About Ijakadi
Healing Our Trauma, Building The Youth

Learn African Martial Arts Online!
Yes, it is possible to learn martial arts online! In fact, online learning makes it easier to review material, take notes, and practice on your own! In in-person classes, it's impossible to rewind or go back and recall everything the instructor said in class. As you advance, however, you'll want to grab a friend or partner to help! If you don't have anyone, we can help with that as well! Membership is a safe space for people of African descent to heal and grow.

Become an Instructor
We are looking for community-minded individuals who want to make a difference! Even if you're not an instructor, we still want you to teach what you do know and share the art online and in your area. It does our community no good for your to have a belt, but not share your knowledge. We need everyone on the ground building and strengthening our communities. Our community is meant to be a safe space for people of African descent to heal and grow. Join us!
B1 - Unity Over Identity
Whether your ancestors were colonized in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, South America, or the United States, they were still African. Regardless of whether you call yourself African American, African European, Haitian, Jamaican, or Nigerian, we believe we all are African still. Pan-African in our approach, African Martial Arts goes beyond kicking and punching, but is a vehicle for self development and healing from our collective trauma.

What You'll Have Access To
Beginner to Advanced Techniques in Multiple African Fighting Arts
Historically, as African people, we have always been connected to the land. We build and plant from the ground. Likewise, our martial art builds you from the ground up with an insane focus on footwork & kicking before advancing you to punching and advanced striking. Each lesson is progressive and gives an extreme amount of detail, essential for online learning.
A Growing Online Network, Family, & Community
Learning martial arts is about community and connecting with like-minded individuals on the same mission and path as you are. Ijakadi African Martial Arts has a growing online community where you can connect with others and share ideas about the martial arts, African studies, financial literacy, business development, and more!
The Art of War - Become a student of your History and Culture
Being a student of Ijakadi African Martial Arts means that you must also study our own history and culture. Our greatest battle as African people is to recover what was lost through colonialism and slavery meaning our culture and history. Today, many of us think Black history began with slavery; we don't know our original language, names, religion, genealogy, or customs.

How Does It Work?
Training Solo
All lessons are designed for you to be able to train without a partner! Solo training can be best at the beginning until you learn the basics. There is a lot that can be accomplished without a training partner! Ideally, you want to keep your training sessions to 30 minutes to 1 hour three times a week. This is a good rhythm. Between training, feel free to watch the lesson and take notes. Taking notes is highly recommended!
Partner Training
If you find a partner or friend to train with, keep in mind that you don't have to train together all the time. Training solo is best and essential to learning martial arts, do partner training as often as you like, but you should train solo at least twice as much as with a partner.
We Need More Teachers!
Students should be teaching at all levels! That's right! We want you to start teaching and sharing what you've already learned and can apply. This is much different than what you will hear in other martial arts that want to control knowledge. We want you to share your knowledge with the community. Teaching Ijakadi is more than kicking and punching, however. It also means teaching our history, culture, and values! Start there if you can. That is the foundation. There is no monthly association fee to pay like some programs. Teachers are free and independent to teach, open a school, or do nothing at all. We are not responsible for our Teachers and do not employ them. Taking on the role of teacher reflects a level of mastery in character, martial arts, and the African spirit from your ancestors.